Faculty/Staff Credential Badges

technology credential Canvas Pioneer badgetechnology credential classroom technology badgetechnology credential innovation research badge
technology credential instructional technology advocate badgetechnology credential PAL certification badgetechnology credential PIE technical liaison badge
technology credential quality instructional design badgetechnology credential quality instructional design leadershiptechnology credential technology advisor badge
technology credential technology attendance badgetechnology credential technology trainer badge

Polk State’s faculty and staff take pride in being dynamic leaders at the forefront of technology. A badge is a distinctive emblem worn as a mark of office, proof of skills, membership, or achievement, and is also a visual representation of a learning experience, outcome, competency or affiliation. The Learning Technology department implemented a badging program. Credential badges are an enhanced feature that showcases faculty and staff accomplishments. The badges are located on the faculty/staff members’ People profiles.

Please click on the credentials below to view the badge requirements, and for more information contact your campus Learning Technologist.

  1. Canvas Pioneer Credential

    • Attend a preview/training session
    • Attend a train the trainer session
    • Present at least two trainings
    • Work with colleagues as courses are designed
  2. Classroom Technology Credential

    • Lecture Capture
    • Games in the Classroom
    • Student Response
    • Leveraged Mobile Technology (i.e. Digital Storytelling)
  3. Innovation Research Credential

  4. Instructional Technology Advocate Credential

  5. Online Teaching Certification Credential

  6. Open Educational Resources Credential


    • Offer at least one course without a textbook cost using Open Educational Resources (OER)
    • Attend Open Educational Resources (OER) Community of Practice
    • Upload the course design to the Canvas Commons for shared use
    • Present on the impact of OER Implementation
  7. PIE Technical Liaison


    Complete the following PIE trainings:

    • PIE Basics Training (Phase 1)
    • PIE Technical Liaison Training (Phase 2)
    • Designing your PIE site: Owner/Technical Liaison Workshop (Phase 3)
    • PIE Train the Trainer

    And present a PIE Basics Training

  8. Quality Instructional Design Credential

  9. Quality Instructional Design Leadership Credential

  10. Technology Advisor Credential

    • Innov8 Academy Mentor
    • Technology Tool Mentor (i.e. Publisher Integration Guidance)
  11. Technology Attendance Credential

  12. Technology Trainer Credential

    Deliver at least two technology-related training’s for peers.

    Sample topics:

    • Turnitin
    • SpeedGrader
    • Honorlock
    • Canvas
    • Communication
    • BB Collaborate
    • Digital Storytelling
    • Poll Everywhere
    • Hoonuit
    • Office 365
    • PIE
    • External Learning Tools (i.e. SmarThinking, Publisher Integration)
    • Other Technology Tools